Exam Preparation

Need Help Preparing for Your Exams?

Exams are the most stressful part of any academic year. No matter the level of study, exams are a source of stress and worry for students of all ages. At Beyond Books, we offer help to prepare for exams of any level, from 7+ right through to A-levels.

If your child needs extra help preparing for their exams, then why not reach out? Our dedicated team will take all the time you need to discuss your options and provide advice tailored to you and your child. Together, we can work out the best way forward.

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Working With Us

Our process has 3 stages:

  • 1. The Consultation

    Firstly, Phoebe will meet with you and your child to understand your particular tuition needs. The more information you are able to share with us, the better we can cater for your child. This can be either in person depending on location or by phone/zoom.

  • 2. The Match

    Once we have a clear idea of what your needs are, Phoebe will handpick the perfect tutor for you. An introductory online meeting will take place between tutor, parent and child to help the two form a partnership.

  • 3. The Contract

    Once you’ve agreed the tutor is best suited to you, we will arrange an electronic contract to be sent out. These contracts run termly, you will be nudged before the end of each contract period to see if you would like to continue into the next.

Exam Prep Nurture packages

We know how complicated navigating the various school exam processes can be, let us guide you and take the stress away.

We offer bespoke Nurture Packages to parents at each major exam level major exam 7+, 9+, 10+, 11+ and 13+ as well as GCSE, A-Level and IB.

These packages are to help guide your choice in school and prepare your child for the specific entrance examinations at each stage. Our tutors provide friendly guidance on everything from the contents of the exam and important techniques to manage the pressure. Talk to our team today to learn more about how we can support you.

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Why Get Help With Exam Preparation?

Since exams are so stressful for so many students, any extra assistance is beneficial. Couple that with the experience, passion and support of our tutors and your child will feel so much more at ease and therefore be much more liekly to perform at their best.

We handpick our tutors for their ability to get the best out of students in the most supportive way possible. All Beyond Books tutors are also active teachers, so deal with exams and the pressure associated with them every day.

If you'd like to know more or have any questions, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page and one of our team will call you straight back with an answer.

Phoebe reading with a female student

All Our Tutors Are...

  • Skilled in preparing for exams
  • Actively teaching in schools
  • Hold advanced DBS certificates and the latest safeguarding qualifications
  • Able to cater to any ability level

Got a Question? Talk to Us

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